Hmm, I think the title explains my motives.
Sometimes I daydream about you even when we are talking to each other.
You are definitely the cuter one of the two of us.
The first time I met you I wrote the wrong name, but I wrote in my journal/diary thing and called you beautiful and hot, I think I called you kristy, or something.
You definitely like me more than I like you, because you like me enough to put up with my dorkiness.
There isn't a word for my favorite thing about you, well at least, any word that I know. I think its your uniqueness, or magicalness or awesomeness, so for now, my favorite thing(s) about you are your eyes and your dimples.
I love to spend time doing little things for you, like make you stuff out of tape and pipe cleaners.
You have helped me become a better christian.
You have the best taste in everything! Music, clothes, energy drinks! Except black olives
You made me start liking Dr.Pepper.
I like to save the voicemails you leave me on my phone for weeks after you leave them, even if the voicemails are just you saying goodnight.
You are the best reciever of hugs I have ever met.
I try to draw you all the time, but I cant describe you in any way, shape or form.
I have a theory that our hands are perfectly fit for each other, naturally this is only a theory, which I plan to experiment when ever I get the chance.
I really don't think you'll ever know how gorgeous you are to me.
Yeah, we almost died and had lots of fun homecoming night, but sometimes I still wish I would have slow-danced with you, despite how uncoordinated I am.
I really took way to long to ask you out.
I like to carry you around, and run into fields with you.
I know we both got terribly sick afterwards, but playing soccer in the rain was so fun.
and so was our food fights,
and putting air freshener up our noses,
and jumping into my pool with our clothes on,
which by the way, that shirt I let you borrow, is now my favorite shirt.
I can't have a bad day when I am with you, its like all of the world, problems, fate, life and everything else stops while we just chill out and listen to music in your car.
Even though I have never watched phantom of the opera, I know that your singing all of those songs exactly right.
I trust your judgement, even though I have no idea why me.
I think that hoodie I splatter painted you was my best work, ever. Well, I don't remember it but I still think so.
I still put up your microphone during youth service just to hear you better from the tech booth.
You make me feel brilliant.
Oh, and I love it when you draw over my drawings, because no matter how hard I work on my drawings, the idea of our creativity being together on paper, makes whatever drawing it is, better.
I really didn't know dogs slept before you told me they did.
When we slept talking to each other on the phone during the hurricane, I am happy you heard me pray for you after I thought you had fallen asleep, oh, and hearing you sleep over the phone was the most comforting feeling I have ever had.
And plus, I love you. I dont want to say it too much so that it loses its meaning, but I dont think there is another word to describe it.
hmmm, did I over do it?
but still, I mean every word of it.
Hmm, I have a feeling people will read this. Why do I always think that people don't read my blog. Maybe it makes me blog better. I don't know, I am going to hit the orange "Publish Post" button anyways. Ok here goes embarrassing my girlfriend and probably making a cheesy dork out of myself.

- Mitchell
- I am interested juggling. Not rubber balls or chainsaws but life. Juggling school, family and the internship. Plus, I want God in all of it. Easy...right?
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Hey Mitch just wanted to say hello. i think Krysteah will like your list.
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