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I am interested juggling. Not rubber balls or chainsaws but life. Juggling school, family and the internship. Plus, I want God in all of it. Easy...right?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Comic!

I am making a comic right now, It is gonna be awesome! Well, I hope so anyways.

I need some conflicts aside from the drama-rama-llama I will draw.
So please vote on what the conflict of the story should be!
the little voting box thingy in the top.

Alright, what else is new. Ummm, I am excited for tommorow.
Adventure Landing!
Yep, it is gonna be awesome.

Alot more is going on in life. I suppose I just don't wanna blog about it. either way, life will make more sense after this week.

Anyways, the new comic has 3 main characters already.

I need some names for characters in the comic thing.
Thanks homies.

Oh, I have also been revising a slam poem! I feel edgy and urban-y.


Pairs and Pears said...

Life will make more sense after this week? hm?
anyway ^^
I see you posted the most hideous picture of me to the right.
For that, you will be tackled tomorrow...unexpectedly...

you should post your slam poem yo!

-poofs out of this air-

Pairs and Pears said...

i meant to say thin* air...