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I am interested juggling. Not rubber balls or chainsaws but life. Juggling school, family and the internship. Plus, I want God in all of it. Easy...right?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lovely Mad lib

Hey, guys and girls this poetic masterpiece is a sure-heart melter. If this doesn't work on your true love you must have a really annoying personality, horrific facial acne, or both.

Love poem:
Dear ________,
You are extremly incompetent and I smell you! I want kiss your antler 7844 times. You make my cheese burn with desire. When I first saw you, I creepily stared at you and fell in love. Will you drink out with me? Don`t let your parents discourage you, cafeterias are just jealous.

Yours forever, ______

1 comment:

Kristina Weeks said...


nice. i'm going to have to try this.