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I am interested juggling. Not rubber balls or chainsaws but life. Juggling school, family and the internship. Plus, I want God in all of it. Easy...right?

Monday, June 30, 2008

Why black is my favorite color

Hmmm, well I suppose I should explain some things about myself.

My favorite color is black cause when I think of black I think of black ink or black paint on an empty canvas. Black is like inspiration, the first stroke of a painting, and despite how "dark" it sounds I feel that black definitely an equal color rather the absence of color.'

Okeydokey, well if anyone has any more questions I promise no matter what, I will answer them in my next post. This is a big promise so seriously, don't take it lightly.

BTW here is a poem by Horace

Be wise, strain the wine, and trim distant hope within
short limits. While we're talking, grudging time will already
have fled: seize the day, trusting as little as possible in tomorrow.


Kristina Weeks said...

not to bug you, seriously... but now, who is horace??

Amanda said...

hm, any question... ahaha.

If you could be any sea creature, which would you be, and WHY?

tough one, I know. aha.