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I am interested juggling. Not rubber balls or chainsaws but life. Juggling school, family and the internship. Plus, I want God in all of it. Easy...right?

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Blogness monster!

I have never been a blogger but hey, if I can express myself I should try this thing out. Hmmm, where to start.

Ok, first off I wanted some ideas for a new nickname and stuff, I wanted to express myself, keep in touch with my c3 friends who live a ka-jillion miles away, put random things about myself, along with some random questions thrown in here.

Ok, so my blog thingeys are gonna be:
  1. Nickname ideas
  2. Thoughts and awesomeness
  3. Just typing random stuff (poems, stories, etc)
  4. Random things about me
  5. Random questions
  6. Whatever else I feel like posting.


Jen said...

MITCH. you have a blog!!!
and I get to be the one who comments first. I feel special :D

Amanda said...

hahaha. let's see if you keep this one. I vaguely remember an old blogger that was never updated after the first post...hmm. haha.