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I am interested juggling. Not rubber balls or chainsaws but life. Juggling school, family and the internship. Plus, I want God in all of it. Easy...right?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Set me free (of fear)

Ok, I said I was gonna post some poems and stuff so I guess I should.

Hmmm, the light humm of the computer isn't critical and I don't think anyone will actually read this unless I tell people I have added to my here it goes.

A quick note: this poem was written about 25 minutes ago and I had no time for revisions so I am sorry if the beats of the poem are a little off.

I would suggest reading it aloud but to yourself...if that makes any sense at all.

Set me free (of Fear)
Not Michelangelo with any amount of chisels or clay
Nor Shakespeare in any sonnet or play
Could describe how gorgeous you are to me
You smile and laugh, You overall, set me free
Growing old, losing my youth was once my fear
But now I drift off and peer
I peer, see, wonder and gaze
into this dream-like, distant place

All I see now, is an image in which I can barely retell
An image where we are aged, wrinkled but most surprisingly, we are happy and well.
My wrinkles and age once brought shivers to my bones
but this fear is modest in comparison to being alone

I drift again, but this time to a treetop
My fear of heights screams at the thought of such a long drop
And yet...your presence with me, Oh! fear cannot fight it,
This fear tried against your adventurous smile and lost, now quiet.

You inspire and comfort my being
When I talk with you it is like finally seeing,
Seeing how you have set this soul free.
Now my only fear is the thought that "we" will never be "we".

well, that was the deepest thing I could think of, and honestly the only reason I found the courage to write that was because I lied to myself and said that no one would read my inner thoughts.
I doubt this is true, someone, anyone could read this blog just to check up on my life.

But, if you do read this and feel that urge to click and comment, don't.


New Comic!

I am making a comic right now, It is gonna be awesome! Well, I hope so anyways.

I need some conflicts aside from the drama-rama-llama I will draw.
So please vote on what the conflict of the story should be!
the little voting box thingy in the top.

Alright, what else is new. Ummm, I am excited for tommorow.
Adventure Landing!
Yep, it is gonna be awesome.

Alot more is going on in life. I suppose I just don't wanna blog about it. either way, life will make more sense after this week.

Anyways, the new comic has 3 main characters already.

I need some names for characters in the comic thing.
Thanks homies.

Oh, I have also been revising a slam poem! I feel edgy and urban-y.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lovely Mad lib

Hey, guys and girls this poetic masterpiece is a sure-heart melter. If this doesn't work on your true love you must have a really annoying personality, horrific facial acne, or both.

Love poem:
Dear ________,
You are extremly incompetent and I smell you! I want kiss your antler 7844 times. You make my cheese burn with desire. When I first saw you, I creepily stared at you and fell in love. Will you drink out with me? Don`t let your parents discourage you, cafeterias are just jealous.

Yours forever, ______

Mad libs!

Here are some mad libs!

First is: Krysteah's day in kindergarten!
Second is: Joe's merry go round singing
Third is: Amanda T's videogame

1. Krysteah's day in kindergarten!

It was Monday, that meant that Krysteah got to go back to kindergarten! She was as excited as a(n) gopher! After she got off the school bus, she walked straight to Mr. Bolduc 's class at the end of the hall. When she got there, she saw lots of her friends including Britt, Amanda, and Amanda.

After she put away her Miley Cyrus CD's and her bookbag, it was time for morning meeting! It turned out that Krysteah was the line leader today! She got up in front of all the students to say her news. Her news was I like to punch Mitch. Everyone thought that was very boring.

Next, it was Share Time. It turned out that it was Krysteah's turn! She had brought in a killer spider that she got from her trip to Starbucks. She got on the share chair and told everyone how crazy it was when she found the killer spider. The kids all raised their ribcages to ask questions.
Krysteah picked Joe. He asked Krysteah if the killer spider was spontaneous. Krysteah said " Welcome to burger king !".
Then Krysteah picked on Kristina. She asked Krysteah what it is like in Starbucks. Krysteah said that it was smelly and dramatic.

At the end of the day, Mr. Bolduc asked the kids to raise their shins to talk about new things that they did today. Britt was called on first. He said that they ate for the first time today. Next, Rachel was called on. She said that they had fun playing with dead babies. Finally, Mr. Bolduc called on Krysteah. Krysteah smiled and said that they had fun when they drank during the Epic Service. Everyone smiled!

At the end of the day, all the kids went onto their school buses. Everyone had lots of fun. Krysteah couldn't wait to go home and tell tawn-tawn all about her day!

2. Joe at the merry-go-round
One terrible morning Joe went to the merry-go-round and was so fat that one of the judges made a bet with him. She said he was such a bad fortune cookie writer that if he whispered in the merry-go-round, everyone would run away! The Idol wannabe was so confident he was a talented singer, he accepted the bet. If he could sing for a crowd in the merry-go-round and have twenty five of the people there not twirl, he would get to muscle spasam to Hollywood! So Joe, sang his inner ear out. he shook his knuckles and waved his sharks, and one by one, all of the people in the merry-go-round left. All except one, that is! Patrick Dempsey stayed and clapped for him! He yelled OMG and even gave Joe a standing ovation! He was so happy, he started to combust!

3. The Amanda T. Videogame!

The funny and tall Amanda T. has confused Britt's loud sister leading her to steal Amanda's shiny cellphone! What are a(n) imaginary panda and creative Amanda to do? Before you can find her cellphone, you'll have to collect the terrible dance cds and fluffy starbucks cards that open up the 17 worlds leading up to Joe's Lair, whose only weakness is karaoke. There are 120 aviator sunglasses in the game, along with hundreds of other hidden goodies for you to find.

Hamlet's sililoque-mad lib thing:
To eat, or not to eat, -- that is the gummi worm;Whether 'tis nobler in joe's car to suffer The slings and shoes of awesome fortune, Or to take guitars against a sea of paint buckets, And by lovingly end them. To die, -- to help, -- No more; and by a help to say we end The pencil and the 1000 natural shocks That flesh is best friend to,-- 'tis a photograph rapidly to be wish'd. To die, --- to help,-- To help! perchance to touch! ay, there's the white out; For in that help of death what lemons may come When we have ran off this quiet coil, Must give us spork....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

If I could be a sea monster...

Random Questions!

Firstly, I would be Godzilla if I could be a sea monster.
Ok, reply with your answers I guess and I'll see how alike you all are.

Random Questions

If you could be a _______ what or which one would you be?
  1. Natural Disaster
  2. Dessert
  3. Place
  4. 90's tv show
  5. song
  6. Disney princess or character


my answers were.....

  1. godzilla
  2. cool whip
  3. New Zeland, or just anywhere serene
  4. Recess, or maybe animaniacs, weekenders, hmmmm this is a tough one
  5. currently, I would want to be the Jake Shimabukuro ukelele song (link at the bottom)
  6. I don't know, I was thinking like mushu or something

Ukelele song:

By the way, Horace was a poet who used to be a warrior who fought with Brutus against Marc Anthony. Now this isn't why he is one of my favorite poets, he is my favorite cause despite all of the bloodshed he saw, his main montra was to seize the day and make the best of it

any other random questions or questions about me, just ask homies